Aids, adaptations and support

If you are facing difficulties with daily living in your home, you may benefit from adaptations or aids within your home.  Glasgow City Council provide specialist advice to identify what, if any, adaptations or aids would be beneficial.  This service is available for all ages and will make a referral to us for adaptations required.  

We will review any referrals made, to ensure that the recommendations are suitable for the property.   For some adaptations there may be a waiting list and referrals will be completed as soon as possible.  Further advice about the process can be requested from our repairs and maintenance team.  

In some cases, alternative housing may be required to meet the needs outlined.  If this is the case, an appointment will be made with a member of the housing team to discuss the next steps.  

If the support you need is something we can do, rather than making a change to your home, please let us know.  It could simply be allowing more time for you to answer the door or to knock loudly.  Any information shared will be held on your tenant file and can be removed if our circumstances change.  

In its commitment to tenants and care within the community, the Association installs and maintains permanent medical adaptations within its housing stock which allows many tenants to continue to live in their existing homes.

Work will only be considered following receipt of a CL1 referral form issued by an Occupational Therapist from Glasgow City Council’s Social Work Department. The referral will have assessed the recipient’s needs and priority for the installation of a recommended adaptation.

You can be referred to Social Work via your GP or other health professional. Alternatively, you can self-refer to Social Work by phoning 0141 287 0555.

The types of work that will be undertaken by the Association includes.

  • Low entry shower tray, shower and enclosure.
  • Wet floor bathroom including shower, wall board etc
  • Alterations to internal door widths
  • Internal and External handrails
  • Lever taps

This list is indicative rather than exhaustive. 

The Association does not consider referrals that are for the use of the garden, such as 6ft garden fences or levelling and landscaping gardens. Due to the number of referrals we receive and the pressures on budgets, we give priority to referrals that allow an individual to live in their home independently.

The Association will not carry out medical adaptations to properties on the 2nd floor or above. Careful consideration will be given to adaptation requests for properties on the first floor or ground floor properties that do not have level access within the front garden and at the front door.

If your home does not meet our requirement for an adaptation, you will be asked to consider applying for a transfer to a property that is more suitable and possibly already adapted. 

Please note: the installation of ramps, stairlifts, portable bath aids etc are the responsibility of the Social Work Department. The Association will not normally agree to install any adaptations that would require planning or building warrant consent.