Useful benefit information 

Understanding what benefits you are entitled to can be confusing, with different organisations providing different support.  We have summarised some of the key benefits available with useful links below.  If you need a bit more help or information, you can link into one of our Money & Benefit Services to help make the process easier.

Universal Credit

Universal Credit is a means-tested benefit for people of working age who are on a low income. It is paid monthly (or twice a month if requested).

It replaces six means-tested (legacy) benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Housing Benefit

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) works out how much money you get in two steps:

  • It works out what it thinks you should need to live on, based on your household’s circumstances, then
  • It takes away some of the income you have coming in

Make a new claim here, or return to an existing claim here.

Housing Benefit

If you are unemployed or on a low income and live in specified, homeless or temporary accommodation or of state pension age, Housing Benefit may provide help to pay your rent.

The amount you receive depends on your income and circumstances. It can cover part or all of your rent.

Visit Glasgow City Council website for more information on how to make a Housing Benefit application.

Pension Credit

Pension Credit gives you extra money to help with your living costs if you’re over State Pension age and on a low income. Pension Credit can also help with housing costs such as ground rent or service charges.

Pension Credit tops up:

  • your weekly income to £201.05 if you’re single
  • your joint weekly income to £306.85 if you have a partner

You may get extra amounts if you have other responsibilities and costs.

Find out if you are eligible here, or contact the Pension Service helpline.

Telephone: 0800 731 0469 Textphone: 0800 169 0133

Adult Disability Payment

Adult Disability Payment is extra money to help you if you have a disability or long-term health condition that affects your everyday life (if you are of working age). You do not need to have a formal diagnosis to get Adult Disability Payment.

Adult Disability Payment is made up of 2 parts: daily living and mobility and you may qualify for one or both parts. This payment replaces Personal Independence Payment (PIP).

You can apply online for Adult Disability Payment by registering for an account with mygovscot. The account also allows you to access other services. Find out if you qualify here.

Useful links 

Social Security Scotland was set up by the Scottish Government to deliver a number of devolved benefits, which include:
  • Carer’s Support Payment & Young Carer Grant 
  • Best Start Payments (Pregnancy Grant, Baby Payment, Early Learning Payment, School Age and Foods).  
  • Funeral Support
  • Job Start Payment
  • Child Payment & Child Winter Heating Assistance
  • Disability Payment (Adult & Child)
You can find benefit calculators, benefit information and other useful information on the Scottish Government website (  You can also sign up for a mygovscot account, which allows you to sign up to one account and then access multiple services.  You can find out more about the mygovscot account here.
The Government ( contains useful information about a range of non-devolved benefits, which includes:
  • Tax credits, child tax credits, and working tax credits
  • Jobseeker’s allowance and employment & support allowance 
  • Universal credit and pension credit
It also includes useful information about in-work payments you may be entitled to, such as maternity, paternity and adoption pay, and sick pay. Click here to visit the Government’s benefits section