Social Security Scotland

Funeral Support Payment 

Sadly, more people die during the winter months than at other time of the year.

This means thousands more families face funeral costs between December and March, when they may also be struggling with the increased cost of living and a financial hang-over from Christmas.

Funeral Support Payment is available to people in Scotland who need help towards the cost of a funeral and get Universal Credit or other qualifying benefits. It can be used towards funeral costs for a baby, a child or an adult. This includes stillborn babies.

The payment can cover the costs of burial or cremation, as well as other costs, such as transport and travel, medical expenses and document costs. The average total payment is £2,065, but the amount you get will depend on a number of factors.

This isn’t a loan and doesn’t need to be paid back although Social Security Scotland will recover the payment from the estate of the person who died if they leave any financial assets.

To receive Funeral Support Payment the eligible person must meet all of the criteria below:

  • they live in Scotland
  • they or their partner are getting certain benefits or tax credits
  • the person who died lived in the UK
  • the funeral is being held in the UK or in some circumstances in the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland
  • they are applying after the person has died, until 6 months after the date of their funeral
  • they or their partner are responsible for the funeral costs
  • it is reasonable for them or their partner to accept responsibility for the funeral costs.

Before applying for Funeral Support Payment, the death or stillbirth should be registered, and funeral directors should be given permission to speak with Social Security Scotland about an application. This will minimise the time it takes to process their application.

Find out more and apply online at You can also apply in person, over the phone or ask for a paper application form by post by calling us free on 0800 182 2222.

Job Start Payment 

Job Start Payment is a one-off payment of £314.45 for young people aged between 16 and 24 who meet certain criteria. If they have a child, or are a child’s main carer, they could get £503.10.

To receive Job Start Payment, eligible people need to have been out of paid work and receiving one of the following low-income benefits for six months before finding a job:

  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Income Support
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Universal Credit

They also need to have got either Income-based Job Seeker's Allowance (JSA) or Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) on the date of their job offer. 

People can apply for the payment for up to six months after the date of the job offer. Social Security Scotland need to see confirmation of the job offer - this can be a text message, a letter or an email from the employer. The job must also average 12 hours or more a week over a four-week period and it doesn’t need to be a permanent job so seasonal workers should check if they are eligible.

Care leavers, someone who has spent time in care but stopped being looked after on, or after, their 16th birthday, can apply for Job Start Payment even if they haven’t been out of paid work for six months. They are also eligible for a year longer – until their 26th birthday.

Job Start Payments can be used to pay the bills that crop up before that all important first pay day. Things like travelling to work, child-care costs, paying for lunches or buying new clothes.

Find out more and apply for Job Start Payment.